CUNY School of Law, National Lawyers Guild-NYC Chapter, New York Civil Liberties Union, and the Society of American Law Teachers present a free full-day Continuing Legal Education program of 3 separate CLE’s totaling 7.5 NY CLE Credits*
3 Consecutive CLE’s totaling 7.5 NY CLE Credits, subject to final adjustment; participants may take any or all of the separate parts.
9:30am Registration and sign-in
10:00am SHARP Welcome
2 CLE credits in Professional Practice; 1 CLE credit in Ethics
10:10-11:10am Rulemaking, Law Making and Executive Branch Powers
11:10-12:10pm The New McCarthyism – Congressional “oversight” investigations targeting Advocates, Activists and Nonprofits
12:10-12:20pm BREAK
12:20-1:10pm Getting Government Lawyers to Get Revenge: President Trump’s Vows to use Presidential Power and Zealous Lawyering at the Edge
1:10-2:10pm Lunch Break
(participants may bring their own take-out lunch back to school building)
2 ½ CLE credits in Professional Practice; 1 CLE credit in Skills
2:10-3:00pm Roundtable on “Day One” Executive Actions
3:00-4:15pm Managing Justice Goals While Responding to Crisis & Chaos
4:15-4:20pm BREAK
4:20-5:15pm Justice Organizers join the Panelists for Discussion and Q&A on Protecting Fairness and Justice
5:30-6:30 PM
Digital Awareness for the Social Justice Legal Community
1 CLE Credit in Cybersecurity, Privacy & Data Protection (General)
*Traditional Format/Transitional for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys. The National Lawyers Guild-NYC Chapter has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited
Provider of Continuing Legal Education in New York State. Under CLE regulations, credit will be offered only to those attorneys completing entire sessions; attorneys attending only part of a session are not eligible for CLE credit. Attorneys arriving late are welcome to attend the program, but will not be eligible for CLE credit for that session. Those attorneys may receive credit for subsequent sessions provided they attend the entire session. CLE recipients must sign-in AND sign-out. Certificates for sessions attended will be sent following the program.
All events on this calendar are open to the public, or our students, alumni, faculty, staff, and supporter audiences. Faculty, staff, and students: To list your event please complete the SUBMISSION FORM.
Once posted, all events appear on digital signage and in our Monday morning weekly “Upcoming Events” email.
Events are wheelchair accessible. For disability-related accommodations, contact the organizer of the event. Advance notice is kindly requested.