Bruce Bryant is granted clemency and released from Sing Sing Correctional Facility after nearly 30 years of incarceration
On Monday, April 24, 2023 students in the Defenders Clinic who had been doing clemency work through the Clinic’s Second Look Project received extraordinary news:
Two of their clients, Stanley Bellamy and Bruce Bryan – walked out of prison after receiving clemency.
Together, they had served almost 80 years inside.
Mr. Bryan was incarcerated at Sing Sing Correctional Facility for almost 30 years of a 37 1/2 years to life sentence. Evening students Sade Walker and Yacine Williams worked with Mr. Bryan this year, while evening students Olga Beltre, Bridget Dalton, and Manny Segarra worked with Mr. Bellamy, who was released into the arms of family and friends after being incarcerated at Green Haven Correctional Facility for nearly 40 years of a 62 1/2 years to life sentence.
The Clinic’s Second Look Project began working with Mr. Bellamy in 2018. On the day of his release, others whom the Defenders Clinic have helped win freedom were on hand to embrace him. Upon his return home, Mr. Bellamy, a leader of the Release Aging People in Prison (RAPP) Campaign, is set to begin the next chapter of his advocacy work with RAPP, beginning with its next parole justice advocacy day as part of the People’s Campaign for Parole Justice on May 8.

A group gathers to embrace Stanley Bellamy, granted clemency after nearly 40 years of incarceration. From left to right, Robert Webster (Defenders client), Ulysses Boyd (Defenders client), Stanley Bellamy (Defenders client), Lee Chalk (our client), Jose Saldana, and Mark Shervington.