Employment Opportunities

Our faculty and staff perform a variety of job functions in support of its mission. Even though some jobs may have unfamiliar titles, you may find the responsibilities and qualifications to be a good fit. Read job postings carefully.

Some of our positions are filled through Civil Service examinations. These include clerical, custodial, security, and some information technology positions. Information on these is provided on CUNY’s page for Classified Civil Service Information.

To learn about more opportunities, browse CUNY’s centralized listing of job openings.

Current Employment Opportunities

College Assistant (Multiple Departments)

Communications Publications Writer-Editor

Print Shop Specialist Level 1 

Our Application Process

This section provides an overview of our Job Search Process, some tips on preparing your application, and shares links to useful resources. If you have questions that are not answered in this section, please contact our Human Resources office.

In order to be considered for a position at CUNY, you must complete an application for a specific vacancy. At this time we do not accept applications without a published posting.

Instructions for navigating our jobs system and completing an application are provided in CUNYfirst Job System Instructions.
To complete an application, please keep in mind:

Minimum Qualifications

Each job posting has a statement of qualifications we are seeking, both required and preferred. If a qualification is noted as required, we cannot consider your application if you do not have the qualification. A common qualification is an academic degree or diploma (B.A., Ph.D., High School Diploma). Be sure that in your resume and/or cover letter you provide details and be specific about whether you have completed a degree, or if not, how much progress you have made toward completing it.

Some job postings ask for a certain number of years of related experience. Generally, this refers to paid work experience in a position using similar knowledge, skills, and abilities in a function or discipline that is similar to that of the position.

Closing Dates and Timing

Each job posting will either have a Closing Date or the statement “Open Until Filled with review of resumes to begin on (date)”.

For a posting with a Closing Date, the job will come off the system shortly after midnight following that date (i.e., if the posting closes on July 15, it will be removed after midnight on July 16). If the posting says “Open Until Filled”, the job is usually available until one month after the posting date (the posting date is in the listing of available jobs). We cannot accept applications after the closing date of a job posting.

Given the possibility of system outages it is a good idea to apply before the final date. Our system can be unavailable for both planned and unplanned outages (scheduled outages are announced on our employment page).

If you were unable to apply for a position which closed during a systems outage, contact the Human Resources department of the College which posted the position.

Nearly all our job postings require a CV or Resume. There is no “right” format, but be sure the information you send is clear, well-organized, and provides information relevant to the job vacancy.

Many job postings ask for a cover letter, and it is a good idea to provide one even if it is not requested. In your cover letter, summarize your understanding of the position and why you think your credentials are a good fit. Make sure the letter is specific to the position you’re applying for, and proofread all materials.

You will find that some job postings ask for additional information. Usually this information can be uploaded to our system as an attachment when you apply. These include items such as references, statement of scholarly interests, or writing sample.

Make sure you follow the instructions exactly, and contact our Human Resources Office if you need clarification.

Incomplete applications cannot be considered. Be sure you have provided all requested information, submitted the application, and received a confirmation message that it’s been received.

When you upload materials with your application, you may find that we ask a set of screening questions related to the qualifications for the job. Please answer these questions before submitting the application.

To become better informed on writing resumes and cover letters, information is often available free of charge through a career center, library, or on the Internet. Some public libraries, and other not-for-profit organizations, offer free or low-cost career programs and services for job-seekers.

We fill many jobs through a Search Committee process. This means a team works together to screen, interview, and recommend candidates to those responsible for hiring. Through a group process, we hope to improve the quality of hiring decisions.

Following the Closing Date (or the review date if the position is listed as “Open until Filled”), each application is processed. If there are multiple applications from the same person, we process the most recent one.

Members of the Search Committee review the applications of qualified candidates. If the Committee needs more information, or wishes to invite you to interview, someone will contact you. It is highly important that you keep your contact information current in our system.

Applicants who will not be considered further are notified by email when the reviews are complete. They can also view their applications and status on their online User Account.

The duration of our screening, interviewing and hiring process depends on many factors. Generally searches for faculty and executive positions take longer than those for administrative positions.

If you are invited for an interview

  • You will speak with a representative of the Search Committee who will arrange an interview time and place. Interviews may be conducted by phone, video, and in person.
  • You should receive an email confirming your appointment. College campuses, and their buildings, can be very large; ask for directions if you need them. You may be asked to bring identification to enter the building where the interview takes place. Bring a copy of your resume, and other materials requested. In some cases you will be asked to complete an employment application and bring it to the interview.
  • Typically you will initially meet with all the members of the Steering Committee as a group. They will ask a set of pre-prepared questions, and possibly follow-up questions. There should be an opportunity for you to ask questions as well.
  • We ask that you stay in touch with the person identified by the Search Committee Chair as your contact, and not speak directly with other Search Committee members outside the interview process. Search Committee members are expected to keep information about their process and about candidates strictly confidential.
  • Finalists may be asked to participate in additional interviews, particularly with the hiring manager if he/she did not serve on the Search Committee.

If you are not selected, please keep in mind CUNY’s open positions are widely advertised and we receive many applications for each vacancy. Our Search Committees work hard to identify the most highly-qualified candidates. Due to timing and scheduling issues, Committees must be highly selective in deciding who to interview. There is no guarantee of an interview, even for candidates who possess the minimum qualifications.

Some of the most common reasons candidates are not selected include:

  • Candidate lacks the minimum qualifications as stated in the job posting
  • Candidate’s response suggests he/she does not understand the position
  • Candidate’s experience is in areas or disciplines other than the one(s) the College is seeking
  • Candidate’s materials are not well written or organized, or some requested information is missing.

We hope you’ll continue to look at CUNY job postings to find others that may be a good fit.

In applying for a position, the following policies and regulations apply.

  • All hiring decisions are subject to reviews and approvals and availability of funding. Searches may be canceled or put on hold without prior notice.
  • The City University of New York is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and complies with all relevant Federal, State, and City regulations. In addition, we strictly follow the principles of CUNY’s Anti-Discrimination Policy
  • Sexual harassment, gender harassment and sexual violence, forms of sex or gender discrimination, are also prohibited at CUNY. This policy is set forth fully in CUNY’s Policy on Sexual Misconduct
  • We comply with the provisions of the Immigration and Reform Control Act (IRCA). Applicants selected for employment must provide proof of identity and the right to employment in the United States no later than the first day of employment.
  • According to New York State law, anyone who will not be age 65 or older during the calendar year of employment who receives a public service pension from New York State or a political subdivision including New York City who is paid more than $30,000 per year at a public employer (such as CUNY) must either suspend pension payments or acquire a waiver to continue to receive pension payments. Waivers are subject to an approval process and are extremely rare. If this situation applies to you, you must indicate this at the time of application.
  • The City University of New York complies with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Any applicant who requires an accommodation for a disability in order to apply for a position or proceed with the job search process should contact our Human Resources office
  • Employment is subject to verification of degrees, licenses and certifications, and previous employment. Additional verifications and background checks may be performed, depending on the position, in accordance with CUNY policy. Under the New York City Fair Chance Act, employers may seek criminal background information from candidates who have received conditional offers of employment.
  • In accordance with New York Civil Service Law, applicants found to have intentionally made false statements of any material facts will be disqualified; if already appointed, such appointment is subject to being revoked.

We are committed to enhancing our diverse academic community by actively encouraging people with disabilities, minorities*, veterans, and women to apply. We take pride in our pluralistic community and continue to seek excellence through diversity and inclusion. EO/AA Employer. *Italian-Americans are included among this group at CUNY.

Any applicant who requires an accommodation for a disability in order to apply for a position or proceed with the job search process should contact our Human Resources office.