Patrice Oseni, ’23, is Awarded the Jana Springer Behe Corporate Counsel Section Fellowship
CUNY Law student Patrice Oseni, ’23, is participating in the NYSBA Corporate Counsel Section’s Kenneth G. Standard Diversity Internship Program by way of the Disability Rights New York– Jana Springer Behe Corporate Counsel Section Fellowship.
Disability Rights New York is the Protection & Advocacy System and Client Assistance Program (P&A/CAP) for persons with disabilities in New York State. As the P&A/CAP for New York, DRNY advocates for the civil and legal rights for New Yorkers with disabilities. Patrice is working in the General Counsel Office alongside fellow disability rights advocates.
Patrice is currently a 1L evening class representative in the Student Government, the Director of Membership of the Northeast Black Law Student Association (NEBLSA), and the Vice-Chair of YearUp New York’s Alumni Board. She is currently participating in CUNY Law’s dual degree program in Law and International Affairs with City College’s Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership. Patrice’s prior legal experience includes working with Open Society Foundations in the Office of the General Counsel as a legal specialist.