The Materials Management Department is responsible for the following areas: Reprographics unit, mail delivery, book distribution, fax equipment, photocopying equipment, transportation/messenger service, supplies, and shipping and receiving. Students should feel free to stop by the Reprographics Office, if you have any questions or need assistance regarding any of the services listed above.
We have a mail depository adjacent to the Reprographics Office (room 1-105). It may be used for your outgoing mail. Mail in the depositories is picked up by the Law School mailroom staff every day at 3:00 pm. You may also purchase stamps from the Reprographics Office. You are advised to use their residential addresses for all private mail and packages.
Student Mailboxes
Student and student organization mailboxes are located on the 3rd floor in room 3-207. Mailboxes are assigned by class and in alphabetical order. All students must empty their mailboxes at the end of each semester. Student and student organization mailboxes are not for storing books or any other items. Mailboxes should be used only for students to receive important mail, including, on occasion, the class assignments and correspondence from the Law School’s administration. Mail is distributed every business day between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm. Faculty and staff mailboxes are located on the 1st floor in room 1-105.