Stay connected with your classmates and the mission that brought you to CUNY Law.

Volunteering, recruiting, and networking all help you stay in touch with your peers, the next wave of public interest lawyers, and the Law School. We are a community united in mission and we want your help celebrating its past and shaping its future.

An alumna speaks with CUNY Law students about her career path


From recruiting opportunities to classroom panels and career conversations, our alumni are connecting with students and expanding their own networks.


The new Alumni Class Ambassador program brings three leaders from each class year together to connect with you and with the Law School. From programming to parties, Class Ambassadors help shape how we bring everyone closer together, celebrate our community, and advance social justice lawyering as only CUNY Law grads can.


Class Ambassadors connect the Law School and alumni by helping to foster dialogue, strengthen networks, and help create and promote engaging programming and opportunities.


Alumni can nominate themselves or recommend classmates to serve as Ambassadors. A process for ongoing selection will be established by the Alumni Ambassadors Circle.


Each member is expected to:

  • Brainstorm and advise on programing and initiatives to engage your class and the community
  • Attend Ambassador meetings throughout the year
  • Collect and share classmates’ updates for Class Notes
  • Act as stewards for the Alumni Fund and/or Class Gifts
  • Invite classmates to efforts and events sponsored by the Law School, especially Reunions
  • Share your Law School journey to help connect with current and future students as we build a robust definition of “law in the service of human needs.”

Alumni Ambassadors Circle

Up to three Class Ambassadors from each year are part of the Alumni Ambassadors Circle, a group meant to help CUNY Law stay connected to its alumni and to help alumni build upon the Law School’s legacy and mission. Find your Ambassadors and any information they choose to share in your class section below.

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors

Currently Recruiting Ambassadors