To be admitted to practice in the state of New York, the NY Court of Appeals will require you to comply with its Skills Competency Requirement and Professional Values Bar Admission Requirement
In addition to the exams, there are three other requirements for bar admission in New York.
Skills Requirement – every CUNY Law graduate automatically meets this requirement based on required course work. (If you are a transfer student, consult with the Academic Affairs Office.) The law school must certify that you possess the skills necessary for practice and competence in professional values.
50-Hour Pro Bono Rule – almost every CUNY Law graduate meets this requirement by meeting the clinic requirement. (If your clinical placement is with a for-profit firm, consult with Florence Kerner, Director of Bar Prep and Licensing, about how to meet this requirement.)
Character and Fitness Application– In New York, the Character and Fitness Application is submitted after you pass the UBE, NYLE and MPRE and are applying for admission. You are reminded that, as noted in your application for admission to CUNY School of Law, you have an ongoing responsibility to notify the Law School of any and all subsequent changes in the information contained in the application and/or during the period of enrollment. This means that, if there are any facts or incidents requiring disclosure (such as traffic violations, arrests, changes in academic credentialing from institutions outside the law school, professional licensing events, etc.), you must notify the Law School to ensure compliance with the continuing disclosure requirement. You are also responsible for determining the possible impact of any such information on your character and fitness application.