Moot Court

CUNY’s Moot Court Board is a student organization for those who wish to advance their oral advocacy and writing skills to the highest level. Through training and in competitions against other law schools, Moot Court members write briefs and argue legal issues in simulated appellate arguments.

Membership on the Board is achieved through the annual CUNY Law School competition and training program. For the competition, each student writes a brief with a partner and then argues the case before a panel of judges.

Once students qualify to become members of the organization, they may participate in various activities.  Members work together to run the organization, help train other students to be excellent advocates, manage teams, and compete against other schools in outside competitions.

CUNY Moot Court Board members have participated in interscholastic moot court competitions around the country that involve a variety of topics, including constitutional law, criminal procedure, evidence law, family law, international law, labor law, and immigration law. Some examples of recent results for the CUNY Moot Court Team include finalists in the 2015 Elaine Jackson Stack Moot Court Competition, Best Oral Advocate Award in the 2013 Annual Uvaldo Herrera National Moot Court Competition, Best Brief Award in the 2012 Nassau Academy of Law Moot Court Competition, Third Place Oral Advocate in the 2011 John J. Gibbons Criminal Procedure Moot Court Competition, First Place and Best Oral Argument Award in the 2010 Nassau Academy of Law Moot Court Competition, Best Oralist Award in the 2007 Henry G. Manne Moot Court Competition for Law and Economics,  quarter-finalists in the 2005 National First Amendment Moot Court Competition, and First Place in the 2004 Thurgood A. Marshall Memorial Moot Court Competition.

Participation in Moot Court helps students improve their speaking, writing, research, critical-thinking, and legal analysis skills. Membership in the organization and the training provide students with skills that will help them throughout their law careers.

Students who successfully complete the annual training competition may earn academic credit by subsequently completing a brief and oral argument of professional quality as part of an external competition or the equivalent thereof.  Throughout the process, students gain experience in oral argument through critiques and feedback during a large number of practice rounds.

This activity helps students gain written and oral advocacy skills that include researching, brief writing, public speaking, and teamwork. Competitions provide for one-on-one feedback and support from faculty, as well as the opportunity to develop confidence and crucial trial and appellate practice skills.